Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday...

Top 5 Best Things that Happened Today (so far):

1. I got to Skype with my grandparents.
2. I had an appointment at the shop that made my wedding dress and it fits almost perfectly- only a couple little small alterations to do. Also bought my wedding jewelry- a beautiful necklace and pair of earrings- and my veil! Now I can check that off, hurray!
3. I ate lunch at the BEST little vegan asian place in the mall in San Francisco... it's like Panda Express, but more delicious and much healthier! Best part: I can eat ANYTHING off the menu!
4. I did NOT give in to the pushy mall-kiosk people trying to sell me lotions and potions!! This is a big accomplishment for me!! Last time I let one of those (always attractive Middle-Eastern) people intercept me from my direct path to J. Crew I ended up spending 99 dollars on a stupid curling iron!! So yes, I was proud of myself today! No getting ripped off for this lady.
5. BOTH times I walked in front of Colin's school today, he was right inside the window I passed and BOTH times he ran outside to talk to me. :) This is a rare occurrence, especially on Wednesdays when he has class from 8am to 10pm. Seeing him always brightens my day.

Top 5 Most Unpleasant Things that Happened Today:

1. Two salespeople at two different stores in the mall noticed my ring and said "Are you getting MARRIED?? You look much too young!! How old are you???" To which I replied "Older than I look," which is my standard retort. I don't know WHAT the deal is with the SF mall, but that's probably the 5th time someone there has told me I am too young to get married. Do I really look THAT young? Psh. Anyway, it's so rude! How do you even respond to that?? "OH you know what, you're so right! I probably am too young! Let me call my fiance and call of the whole thing RIGHT NOW." Jeez Louise.
2. I forgot to eat until 5:00 when I realized I felt like I was going to pass out. Not going to let that happen again any time soon!
3. The two pairs of shoes I brought in for my dress fitting aren't going to work... :( It's been pretty hard finding any that will work... and that don't cost a fortune... why are Jimmy Choo's SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS??? Why?!
4. ...I don't know!
5. Ditto!!

Well, I could only think of 3 bad things, which must mean today has been a pretty good day even though I had to go to the mall! (I am NOT one of those girls that loves going to the mall! Unless someday I have like 1,000 bucks to just blow, I don't imagine I will ever see it as anything other than a lot of work and an almost certain headache!)

Have a GREAT night and happy tomorrow!


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