Sunday, April 17, 2011

Apartment Woes

Why is it impossible to keep this tiny apartment clean? Every time I get it looking how I want, it seems like two hours later it is completely destroyed. Probably because my kitchen is like 10 feet long with only about one square foot of counter space and barely ANY cabinet space... one meal cooked and served and it's like a tornado hit. Ugh! I long for the day when Colin and I will have a place with a decent sized kitchen. I don't even care about the rest of it... If there is enough room for a bed and a dresser or two in the bedroom, that'll do. If we can fit a couch and a few bookshelves comfortably in the living room, we're set. But if I have to live anywhere again with a ten foot long single-sided kitchen with nowhere to slice and dice or dry my dishes (AND NO DISHWASHER) I will go insane!! Maybe I have already!

Ahhhh anyway, enough of that. I shouldn't complain; we could be much worse off! I have a lot to be grateful for and this place has been just fine for the past eight months... but I do hope we can find somewhere else to start off our married life together so I don't go too crazy.


In other news, in spite of the 57 degree and mostly cloudy weather forecast, Oakland has beat the odds and it is GORGEOUS out today! Sunny, blue skies, 63-ish... ahhh, time to go enjoy the day.

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