I came to work at See Jane Run after living out here for a week or so. I had gone to apply to the amazing little European style market down the street (one of my favorite places in the entire world- think fresh baked bread, handmade pasta, artisan cheeses, local organic produce, gorgeous fresh flower shop, ohmygoodness, everything delightful and edible you could possibly imagine) but it just so happened to be closed that day for Labor Day or something... So Colin and I just kept walking along the street and stopped at this adorable little shop, See Jane Run, because he decided I needed a new pair of running shoes. Well, I didn't get shoes (Because they're like at least 100 bucks!) but I saw that they were hiring so I dropped off my resume that was meant for the market. So I ended up getting the job and I've been there ever since... I wasn't expecting to stay at SJR as long as I have, I've always worked as a barista or waitress or some more typical starving-artist-side-job, but the longer I worked there, the more I realized it's exactly what I need out here... a network of great ladies that have all become my dear friends! It is so incredibly difficult to start completely from scratch in the friends department... I was so excited to move out here to be with Colin that it never really occurred to me that I could get so LONELY. There is a lot to be said for a college social life... you are surrounded by friends and people and drama and madness and as crazy as it is, you never seem to want for company. The first couple months out here were ROUGH... being here with Colin wasn't like visiting him (the only kind of in-person contact we had before Oakland). He was in school full-time, blowing glass for 6-8 hours a day on the weekends, staying up late with homework... I spent countless hours by myself, a lot of them on facebook or watching TV or calling my mother because I had nothing else to do! I started to resent Oakland and got very homesick for the South, for North Carolina and Winston-Salem and my school and the busy-ness of it all!
But eventually I started making a little life for myself out here. I don't drive at all (Haven't driven a car since August, I cannot believe it!!) and instead walk everywhere I go unless Colin drives us somewhere, which only happens about maybe once a week. This has not only added a lot of exercise I wasn't used to getting on a regular basis to my daily routine (yay!) but it's allowed me to really get to know my neighborhood. The cashiers at Trader Joe's remember me (a couple even know my name!), the barista knows my favorite drink, I'm a regular at the amazing taqueria on the corner, I recognize all of the local homeless people that hang out at the BART station, I know dogs and their owners that I pass on the sidewalk... I could go on and on. I began out here resenting Oakland for it's unfamiliarity and the people for not being as openly saccharine like many are in the South... but people are people, and I've met some amazing ones out here!
Which brings me back to the ladies at SJR... last weekend they all threw me a Bridal Shower/Bachelorette party at my boss' house, complete with penis shaped straws and balloons- ha!!, a raunchy and hilarious game of Pictionary, DELICIOUS food that they all made, and bellinis! They all went in on a couple items from our registry- an Italian pasta-maker and a set of stacking glass bowls!! On top of all of that, they put together a handmade recipe book (made by one of the girls who is an artist and does book-binding) with each of their favorite and most treasured family recipes... After the shower portion of the party, the girls all took me out for my very first Karaoke, which was SO MUCH FUN! The whole evening was just amazing and I was so overwhelmed with their kindness, generosity and friendship. I am so thankful to have them all in my life out here!!
It's very reassuring that although I'll be gone for a couple months, when I return out here to Oakland I'll be coming back to someplace familiar, knowing I can pick up the phone and make a lunch date! Can't tell you how good that feels. :)
WOW so that was a super long-winded post... if you've made it to the end, thanks for bearing with me. :)
P.S. "I Hella Love Oakland" is Oakland's version of the I Heart NYC T-shirts... I guess Oakland is where the word (is it a real word??) "Hella" originated. Ha!
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